Sunday 27 November 2011

Virginia beach and Myrtle beach

When we left DC we went to the coast of North Carolina Virginia beach. apparently very popular in the summer, but quite deserted when we were there.. the beautiful beach was lined with high rise hotels  but a nice boardwalk. We had a good bike ride there and spent a couple of days in the area. The Oceana naval airbase is here so lots of jets seen and heard overhead

                                 sometimes we need a rest


We  made a stop in Raleigh North Caroline for some bike repairs at REI then on to Myrtle beach South Carolina/ We stayed in a beautiful state park right on the ocean here.
Myrtle beach is another huge tourist area...notes form our stay there......

Not far south of the border between NorthCarolina. also called the grand strand.
We stayed at the State park which is right on the Atlantic. Long beach of pale sand and camping sites in the trees...complete with copper head snakes, of which thankfully we did not see.
It has a long pier out to sea from which long lines of fisherman cast their lines, catching mostly 'spot'fish and even an eel.
We finally feel warm again as the temperature was in the 70s during our stay.
the tourist area must run over 20 miles along the ocean and cluttered with high rise hotels and endless souvenir/ beach wear shops. when we say shops they are gigantic ,gaudy palaces with 10 foot high crabs, sharks, pirate and more sported out front. many places closed for the season or out of business. It must be a frantic place in the summer. We have decided we have never seen so many restaurants in one place especially pancake and waffle establishments. All you can eat breakfasts, all you can eat seafood buffets by the dozen.
North Myrtle beach has several 'grand ol opry' style theaters which apparently are very good.
We spent one day exploring Merrells Inlet just south which is a fishing/tourist area...there is a great boardwalk along the salt marsh area. We were lucky to find a 'locals'restaurant for rule of thumb, Choose a restaurant with the cars lined up outside.. It was southern style home cooking buffet of food we don't see at eyed peas, pigin peas, collard greens,fried flounder, fried chicken,mashed squash, mashed potatoes, biscuits and gravy and more it was a very homey unassuming place friendly people, southern drawl and all. We did not need dinner that day!

We had some good bike rides with the girls in the parkland along the ocean.
I was able to walk them on the beach every day as it was off season.

                    there were many jelly fish on the beach

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