Saturday 24 September 2011

Quebec City

We met friends  Kerry and Susan in the KOA outside of the city we did a tour of the city then a day driving ourselves.
What a beautiful old city and so rich in history we were so lucky to have summer like weather.Fran  loves the colorful doors and windows so many pictures taken!The hockey player is for Owen there were many figures hanging above the streets.
A 3D mural   more hockey for Owen

These are the falls called Montmorency east of Quebec city  they are actually highter than Niagara. pretty cool!

A picture of the basiliica in Ste. Anne de Beaupre a picture that simply does not do it justice it was truly magnificent it is a shrine than one can go to for healing. The original stucture from 1887 burn down so this is quite new 1976 it seems so pristine next to the time worn cathedrals one sees in Europe and built in a similar style and opulence

.On the grounds of the Citadel in Quebec city
Chateau Laurier beautiful hotel  if you have the pennies ...stay there

Prowling around lower Quebec city
the second residence of Canada's Governor General in the Citadel of Quebec city.
view of the St. Lawrence and the city below from the Citadel

We said goodbye  to Quebec City and moved   up the Gaspe pennnsula to Rimouski and stayed O/N overlooking the St. Lawrence. The Quebec style homes with their sloped roofs and neat yards took us back to our travels in France the people we met were warm and friendly and spoke to us in English after hearing our poor attempt at French. Our trip took us along the south shore of the St. Lawrence and then we turned inland to New Brunswick.

1 comment:

  1. 29. Echt ein schöner Weg die Wand zu dekorieren. Ich bin darin echt schlecht. Ich geh da den einfachen Weg un bestelle mir bei Gemälde als Nachdrucke und hänge diese überall auf. Ich bin ein wenig vernarrt in Engel und somit habe ich in jedem Zimmer einen anderes Gemälde von verschiedenen Künstler hängen, wie dieses z.b. . Das Gemälde ist von dem englischen Artisten Stanley Spencer.
