Monday 13 February 2012

Naples Florida

Naples is a beautiful and more affluent area, we drove down for the day the beaches are like fine white sugar, the homes elegant. 

a few nice boats too

Tony thought this might be about right.

Flowers love this climate

Beautiful buildings but too many vacant still 

about a week before Christmas

Tree lined recent hurricanes.
One of many lovely homes on the beach...apparently many are occupied for short periods of time during the year

The Gulf of Mexico


Christmas in Punta Gorda Florida

We spent some time in the Fort Myers area and decided to spend  two and a half months in Punta Gorda, on the Gulf side of Florida. Our friends from BC Mike and Marty Oliver have a townhouse here and is great to link up with them again.

Boat ride along a canal 
Mike and Meg Oliver

Homes along the canal,front yard Car, back yard, boat

For Owen Christmas lit hockey player

Meg was down from Dalhousie for the holidays


Our Christmas tree...
Santa came on Christmas morning.

Kennedy Space Center

                                                      Florida Continued...

We found a campsite in Tittusville near the Kennedy Space center..we took 2 days to see it all and it was a wonderful experience.
It is over 200 square miles in size. The visitor complex includes buses to take you through out the site. There are 2 excellent IMax presentations.
         Just some of our pictures....

a small prt of just one of the booster engines

booster rocket
lunar lander
lunar buggy
mockup space shuttle

rockets are huge!!
outdoor display of older rockets  a new display is being developed using of one of the space shuttles

Before the space shuttle this is how the astronauts returned to earth...landing in the ocean, note burn marks.
One of the launch sites.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

A rather delayed  " Happy New year to everyone.
Since our last post we have been in Florida and enjoyed warm weather, reading, checking out the sites and staying put for a change.
I will update some of our activities and photos.

Daytona Beach is famous for its beaches which you can drive on , park and enjoy....the Atlantic rolling in.
 The trusty dogs on the beach so view only.

The Turkey Run..

 We went to the annual Turkey Run  at the Daytona speed way... the inner field was filled with thousands of vintage cars and a huge flea market of vintage and new auto parts for collectors......a few more pictures...

A woody..


A few more parts.


                          The 50's


You can eat there too.......

                                   Back to some nature.Tomka State park


Looking for wildlife

 This was a pretty large spider  wish I had used the telephoto lens.

                                      I will post this blog now and continue with a new one ..... we were in Daytona in late November.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Savannah, Georgia

Now we are quite southern and found a small RV park near the city and now it is warm and humid...not sure we would want to be here in the summer.
There are many majestic Live Oaks  which are massive and whose limbs reach far out in all directions.
Live oaks are different from the English oaks we know. The leaves are a shiny oval  and they remain green year round but shed their leaved  1/3 at a time. They provide much needed shade for the homes in this very warm part of the world. The historic downtown of Savannah is under the canopy of these old trees.

                                 Spanish moss hangs down form many of the trees.

Paula Dean and sons store and restaurant. we had lunch here very southern style food and very good, Fran is a fan of collard greens Tony ,not so much. Instead of bread brought to your table they bring a fresh pancake and a scone.

Happy Hour at the end of the day and checking on mail from home

A picture I just like